Climate initiatives that last
At HTH, we ensure that every one of our initiatives aligns with the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi), a leading certification for climate actions. Our dedication to this benchmark underscores our commitment to grounding our efforts in science, guaranteeing not just intent, but impactful results.
We are consistently introducing new climate initiatives, and the outcomes speak for themselves. Since 2016, we've achieved over a 50% reduction in carbon emissions from electricity, heating, and transport.
A significant contributor to this accomplishment is our shift towards renewable electricity. Today, both our production facilities and stores operate on 100% renewable electricity. Furthermore, renewable sources power 74% of the total heating in our production sites and stores, emphasizing our commitment to a greener future.
We are working towards specific climate goals based on science
Our ambition is to achieve a 72% reduction in carbon emissions from our operations by 2026, benchmarked against our 2016 levels. This target aligns with the objectives of the Paris Agreement and has garnered the endorsement of the SBTi. This commitment encompasses emissions from electricity, both in-house and externally-sourced heating, as well as transportation. To stay on track and realize our climate aspirations, we consistently measure and assess our energy efficiency and carbon footprint on a quarterly basis within our management system.
Swan-labelled production
Reduction in CO2 emissions
since 2016
Renewable electricity
in our production
Of the heat consumption comes from
renewable energy sources
We set high standards for our suppliers
Despite the vast quantities utilized, the wood in our kitchen units leaves a relatively modest climate footprint. In contrast, our appliances bear the most significant climate impact—both in production and while operational in the kitchen. Recognizing this, we've established two strategic objectives focused on appliances to diminish their environmental impact throughout the supply chain, from our suppliers to our customers. These targets specifically address carbon emissions from the production and operation of appliances and mandate that our manufacturers align their climate goals with the guidelines set forth by the SBTi.
Our focus areas
HTH works with sustainability in several focus areas, each of which encompasses a number of the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals.